Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Video posting is a problem...shit!

Hey guys

So I have about 3 or 4 vids I want to post but have some technical problems!

My vids are .MOD files, and I need to change them to .AVI files so that I can edit them and then post them.

Any ideas would be awesome!! Free ones especially!!!!!!!!


Sej xx


  1. Hi there miss S !!!!
    How are you? I like what you have done so far. Sorry I cannot help you with posting the videos not my strong side. I soooooo wish I was there, but hey not that lucky :(((
    I am glad to hear that you are understanding some of the things in Bosnian upbringing and I am sure it will help you in understanding the oldies back in Oz......
    Take care of yourself, and I will be following ever step of your adventure.

    mwah mwah .......

  2. hey lady, just found ye blog. sounds like ye having a great time:) missing you lots, still (can't quite remember when i saw you last...)
    i've been toying around with some video footage of burning man with this:
    its free and has been working for me, so hopefully it'll work for you too!
    keep on fighting the good fight
    charlie g.

  3. Thanks Gordo!!

    PK...who are you??

